Building Spirituality After 50

Exploring building spirituality after 50 – my personal journey. I like to think myself as someone who was very imaginative as a child, maybe a bit of an empath, and because I grew up without an established religion and customs, I longed for fantasy and reality to merge in my life.
As I got older, I learned that life doesn’t always go the way you wish - or what you manifest may not happen just because you are manifesting it. I understood and acknowledged coincidences, but didn’t take it much further than that.
Reflecting on my spiritual connection after 50- am I just not connected to my spiritual side? Terri is much more into the “woo” as we often refer to it here on the podcast. So far, we have interviewed a medium (episode #46), discussed intuition (way back in episode #36), we discussed mindfulness and meditation (episode #43). While Terri was salivating in anticipation of these guests, I simply tried to put my skepticism aside and be educated.
Was I convinced by meeting all these smart, respectable guests and Terri to connect with my spiritual side? Maybe…a little… (she says hesitantly).
In a recent podcast episode on building spirituality after 50 (Episode #192), we sat down with MaryJo Cranmore ( MJ), the intuitive tarot reader and astrologer behind the youtube channel: Soulful Revolution. This conversation provided incredible details about discovering purpose through astrology, the North Node, and intuition. MJ, who had a fulfilling career as a television news producer until her career pivot in 2017, found her calling in astrology and tarot reading. A spiritual awakening in 2008 instigated this shift, a powerful indication of her intuition communicating with her.
Despite a successful career in media, MJ was gradually nudged towards a different path. Seemingly random occurrences, like hearing a sentence (she tells this as clearly hearing a man’s voice speaking to her) that suggested it's never too late for a man to connect to his feelings, were not just coincidences but were her intuition guiding her towards her purpose. These moments signaled her true passion connecting to her feelings, and by extension, her intuition.
MJ's Journey on YouTube
MJ’s exploration into her new career started when she found out about the popularity of tarot readings on YouTube. She began by watching others, joining memberships, and finally taking the plunge by creating her own videos through her channel, Soulful Revolution. This marked the beginning of her journey as an intuitive tarot reader. Her daily videos, which are a blend of astrology and tarot reading, are more of channeling, connecting with energy than structured content.
MJ's Astrological Perspective on Purpose
According to MJ, the connection between astrology and discovering our life’s purpose lies in the North Node. In astrology, the North Node represents our life purpose or a mission that we are called to fulfill in our current lifetime. MJ explained that while our immediate thought about purpose aligns it with a job or career, it's more about mission and fulfillment. It's about how we spend our day and what makes it meaningful rather than a job title or career path. Purpose may involve making significant life changes that encompass risks and push us out of our comfort zones.
Crucially, the North Node guides us in building spirituality after 50 – defining life's purpose. When people come across their North Node, they either find it empowering or challenging because it pushes them to expand beyond their comfort zones.
MJ informed us that it’s not unusual for people to experience crises related to their South Node, which represents the comfort zone or life lessons we have already learned. This crisis often signifies the need for growth or expansion, which is inherent in realizing our North Node.
Understanding the greater picture of building spirituality after 50 – using intuition and astrology as guiding tools. It's about understanding the resonance within us and using intuition and astrology as tools to guide decisions and choices.
MJ's profound insights on building spirituality after 50 in her conversation on "Mixing Up Midlife" shows how astrology, and specifically the North Node, can provide guidance about our life’s mission and purpose. I will let you all listen to the episode and make your own call about whether this is something that you can get behind and use your astrology as a tool to build your own spirituality. For me, I will continue to be open to new interpretations of how to live my life with purpose and fulfillment.