Terri and Melissa are transported into the world of Romantasy on today’s episode. Terri shares her long-time love for the genre, highlighting its role in offering complete escapism and its evolution from conventional romance narratives. Terri...
Terri and Melissa are transported into the world of Romantasy on today’s episode. Terri shares her long-time love for the genre, highlighting its role in offering complete escapism and its evolution from conventional romance narratives. Terri and Melissa consider how the genre has grown thanks to social media and the popularity of BookTok and have some starter romantasy book recs . They chat about other facets of pop culture like Taylor Swift's Grammy win and the Super Bowl.
00:00 Introduction to Romantasy: A New Genre?
00:24 Romantasy Isn't New
03:38 Exploring the World of Romantasy: From Twilight to Sarah J Mass
14:54 Book Club and Reading Habits
16:52 Super Bowl and Pop Culture
Weekend Watch:
Quarterback on Netflix
Dance Life on Amazon Prime
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